Happy Vision places its experience at the disposal of bodies, companies and individuals through its technical staff to study any aid that is requested in order to improve the life of unsighted and visually impaired people.
This might be designing aids from scratch, studying improvements to existing aids or evaluating to apply to existing equipment the systems that can make their appliance more accessible.
Happy Vision is able to produce what has been designed and give the customer the finished product.
Some examples of the work created using “Design for All” guidelines are:
- Calling Card: this is a calling card printed in braille; a folding version can also be made in which to insert both a part in black print and a part in braille.
- Check writer: an aid for enabling unsighted or visually impaired people to write checks independently (it was designed and produced by Happy Vision for the banks Banco di Brescia and Unicredit)
- ATM for All: this is a tactile sign made of polycarbonate with writing in braille and block letters for unsighted and partially sighted people. The tactile system was then supplemented by the introduction of a vocal synthesizer that accompanies the user during the various operations (in partnership with Diebold Italia and Nixdorf).
- Acoustic Light detector: detects whether lights are on and in which direction they are located. It is enough to press the only button with which the detector is equipped and it will emit a continuous sound that changes in intensity and acuteness in the presence or absence of light. Thanks to the vast range of sounds that it can emit, it enables the user to know whether a room is dark or whether there is a lighted lamp, if natural light enters from the window or if the lights of the household appliances are on or off (made in partnership with Cambratech).
- Gestiscicode for All: this is a dispenser of tickets with a polycarbonate signage in braille and block letters that can be used by partially sighted and unsighted people. The tactile system was then supplemented by the introduction of a vocal synthesizer that accompanies the user during the various operations (in partnership with Sitrade Italia).
- Braille playing cards: poker, Piacentine and Neapolitan playing cards: they are made of plasticized card with raised braille writing at the four corners of each card. This is innovative indelible and non-punched transparent braille. The writing shows the number and the initial letter of the suit (in Italian) of the card. The deck of 40 Italian (Piacentine or Neapolitan) cards enables the main Italian games to be played (made in partnership with Cambratech).
- Map with evaluation of the accessibility of the places: this is a mobility map that indicates the accessibility of the places located in the territory of a township, province or more generally an area with defined boundaries. The design is the result of an on-site evaluation of the accessibility of the most interesting sites. It comes in a handy pocket-sized format with enlarged characters and strongly contrasting colors to enable even visually impaired people to read it (made for the province of Bergamo and the city of Bergamo).
- Tactile stationary: notebooks with raised lines and squares and drawing sheets with raised axes: the notebooks with raised lines enable unsighted or partially sighted people to write on the same line. The raised lines of the drawing sheets enable the user to find his or her way around the sheet easily and practice subjects, like geometry, that require a plane.